"What i heard from the agent is Etiqa require you to pay 10% or max 3K of your hospital expenses, but not for Prudential as they cover 100%."
Prudential BSN Takaful for the hopital expenses or we call it a medical card . . . have the 10% core insurans as well, but you only pay the minimum RM300 & maximum RM1000/ 10% in case of any claims accur
"Etiqa have good saving scheme where they have death claim, accident claim and etc. But not from Prudential."
Infact for Prudential BSN Takaful, its a form of investment-link product & have a very good (ROI) return of investment for the past few years. . . . it's depends on your risk tolerance/comfort zone either you prefer a higher return than EquityFund will be suitable while on the other hand if you are a more conservetive type of person why not got for BondFund .